Tuesday, July 28, 2009


史上最好笑的卡通 ☞ Southpark,没有多少人喜欢看我知道。
在这个无聊俗了的社会,有这个卡通简直是我们这些长大到一半就不想再大的半B 人良伴。 我是特别喜欢里面那些充满讽刺,幽默的对白。看看下就好象现在的epic movie 酱,很多名人的影子在里面都找得到。时而又来些对于政治racism 的不满。
里面的几只百厌星里,我最喜欢Cartman (蛋散)了,因为他最蛇,各种缺点集于一身还要多辩驳,牛得来又cute。
然后还有同志情结的史Sir,唱歌sexy sexy 的废柴厨师,圣诞夜会出现的屎露宝..


Cartman 向 Kyle 深切道歉: Kyle, all those times l said you were a big, dumb Jew but Kyle.. I didnt mean it, you are not a Jew

Cartman 骂 Kyle 妈妈时: She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, She's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch, On Monday, she's a bitch, On Tuesday, she's a bitch, On Wednesday thru Saturday, she's a bitch,Then on Sunday, just to be different, She's a super King Kamehameha bee-atch (中文译: 茂利阿妈是个死八婆~)

Stan: You know, somebody once said, "Don’t try to be a great man, just be a man."
Jesus: Who said that?
Stan: You did, Jesus
Jesus: You’re right, Stan. Thank you, boys!
Kyle: Wow, did he say that in the Bible? Stan: Nah, I saw it on Star Trek.
(注: Jesus 在里面有自己的电视节目叫"耶稣龙门阵")


史上最可爱的卡通 ☞ 麦兜,也没有多少人喜欢看我知道。
很喜欢里面各个角色的配音,尤其是麦兜猪仔沙沙的声线,还有春田花花校长黄秋生的潮洲调。 里面改篇了很多香港道地的童谣,也有很多很好听的英文轻松小曲。听着听着跟着他们摇摇头,fing fing 下脚.. 感到自己变回嫩北鼻去。
"春田花花同学会" 我看了十几次,每看完后就开心一次。

阿辉同学 (乌龟仔) 长大后要做 "卡布基诺噗噗噗ter",把卡布其诺的泡泡噗出来。

不知道会不会有人要做 "面卜卜lu lu 员",把每个人的脸上画上两点红卜卜的圆圈才让他们出门leh hoh? 酱子的话你看到的每个人都会是开开心心的了..


  1. I like 麦兜 very much de.. but where u get the cartoon ler? borrow me la... :P

  2. i have the whole set of southpark...the most i like is "lukot"..die in each episod de.haha!"mak dou" i love oso, love to hear he n his classmates sing the songs, n order food part which can make his fren until pengsan....hahahaaha!
